Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ready to go

My two months in Paris begin in three days.  Currently I'm at the University of Michigan, getting to know everyone else and generally being oriented, but on Friday afternoon we'll head out to the Detroit airport for a direct flight into Aéroport Paris Charles de Gaulle.

I'm sure the weekend will pass in a blur of minor crises and resolutions as we locate our lodgings, navigate the RER public transportation for the first time, and begin getting settled.  On Monday, we'll have some help finding the various institutes and laboratories at which we'll all be working.  I'll be with the photonics technology group at the Laboratoire Photonique Quantique et Molèculaire at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS Cachan).  As far as I know now, the project that's in store for me focuses on polymer microcavity lasers, and specifically what happens when the walls of the lasing cavity are nonparallel.